Your favorite beer?

So many......

Now it's Tsing Tao, Asahi, Newcastle, Bishop's Finger. Also dig the Anchor Steam, Sam Adams, XX, Guiness.

I drink Kronenbourg daily though.

Tecate is good, but only in a can for some reason.

Anyone else taste a diff twixt bottled and canned beers of the same name? A tallboy and a regular can also taste different to me....
Fooling Mother Nature

Father Luke,

Good kall with the Kalibers. (Forget O'Douls.)

I like a N/A when the weather is hot and I need to
remain sober among the blood relatives. I don't
miss the alcohol at all.

Some other good ones:

European brews such as Clausthaler can still put the
weight on around the middle but the taste is divine.

Bottoms up....Poptop.

PS. I almost addressed you as Father Luck! Keep spreadin'
the joy.
So many......

Now it's Tsing Tao, Asahi, Newcastle, Bishop's Finger. Also dig the Anchor Steam, Sam Adams, XX, Guiness.

I drink Kronenbourg daily though.

Tecate is good, but only in a can for some reason.

Anyone else taste a diff twixt bottled and canned beers of the same name? A tallboy and a regular can also taste different to me....

I can, only drink Foster's in a can, that big one, much better than the bottled for some reason. And Tecate is better in the can. Most beers taste better in the bottle and that makes sense so I don't know why a can would be better.
Depends. Heineken is my fave for regular, affordable consumption when I want to somewhat savor it; for "getting the job done" cheaply, though, gotta go with Steel Reserve.
It's a little on the nose, but for an Irish kid like me it's always been Guinness. I like the STOUT best, but will drink the pub draught, etc. & being in the southwest of the US, it's prudent to have a favorite Mexican Negra Modelo. Love Black Butte Porter from Oregon, a couple of European wheat beers, & I had a couple of ice cold Budweisers in the Pair-A-Dice Bar in Shoshone, WY in the summer of 1998--$1 a mug, & I had to change my tune & admit that there's a place for the cheap American macro-brew...& that bar was it! 10 years ago & I haven't forgotten how great those beers were.
I had to change my tune & admit that there's a place for the cheap American macro-brew.

I agree; for years I drank only better beers such as Bass, Murphy's, Guinness, Sam Adams, Boddington's, etc. Now I prefer a Miller Genuine Draft; although I'll take 10 Stella Artois' if I'm feeling decadent. I'll even drink Coors or Coors Light, which I never would have done in the past. However, a Budweiser product will never, ever pass throught these lips again. Never.

Saranac Black Forest

Also the Milk Stout from the Lancaster Brewing Co., Lancaster, Penn.

If I would rather something light I would go with Red Stripe (if you look close enough you can see the label somewhere):

In this day and age, it's sooo hard. Probably the old standbys:

Allagash White/Hoegaarden
Franziskaner weiss

Potential New classic:
---Bell's Official Hazy IPA

Two business trips ago, I told my boss about the Untapped app. Now on every trip, he's constantly fiddling with it, taking photos of his beers, searching for the venue, rating them, etc.

Another colleague finally had had it. "For chrissake, just drink the goddamn beer already!"

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